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"Dim Sum" bond issued by the the Mongolian government in 2015 matures on June 30, 2018. In the secondary market, the price of "Dim Sam" bond fluctuates around USD 100, which is 0.6 percent lower than in the beginning of the year. The bond yield from buy side reached the highest level to 10 percent in June, but as its last movement the bond yield has reached 8 percent. The bond yield from sell side is accounted for -11.5 percent. 

"Dim Sum" bond's annual interest rate is 7.5 percent. Last year, the Government of Mongolia issued "Gerege" bond worth USD 800 million, of which USD 160 million was spent for the repayment of the "Dim Sum" bond. 

According to the Minister of Finance, Mongolia will repay debt worth MNT 750 billion, of which MNT 620 billion is principal repayment and MNT 130 billion is coupon repayment.

Source: BloombergTv.mn 

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